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Mediation is a method by which the two sides of a case get together and attempt to settle their differences. Utilizing the services of an effective mediator can save two people going through a divorce a tremendous amount of money, heartache and headache, not to mention the risks associated with taking a case to trial and giving the judge the final say. Mediation is a way to get some input into how your case is resolved, and is often the most successful way to resolve a case.
No matter which mediator you find, the process is roughly the same. The mediator will meet together with the parties (and their lawyers, if they so choose) and learn about the issues that need resolution. Then, typically, the mediator will split the parties up, and then move back and forth between the rooms in order to narrow down the issues, and to reach an agreement on, hopefully, everything that the parties might be facing at the time.
You may or may not want a lawyer to handle your mediation, but you'll definitely need some advice on what to expect and how best to ensure that you're able to resolve your case the way you'd like to see it resolved. Rhoads & Armstrong can help. Please call 479-254-0135 for a confidential consultation or visit our Contact page.